Yonguk Lee recently published “Prevalence of Heteroepitaxial Recrystallization in the Low Solvus High Refractory (LSHR) γ–γ′ Superalloy” in Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis. The paper reports the observation of HeRX outside of low-misfit Ni-base superalloys for the first time, which suggests… Read More
Yonguk Lee publishes paper describing the prevalence of HeRX in LSHR
![HAADF-STEM images of the LHSR alloy. a Low magnification image showing multiple primary γ′ particles. b Magnified image of the red dashed box in (a) that shows round, darker areas on the right side of the image, indicative of tertiary γ′ precipitates. c Magnified image of the dashed orange box in (b) highlighting the coherent γ-γ′ interface. d High magnification HAADF-STEM image along the [112] zone axis from (c) marked by the blue dashed box, showing the atomic structure of the L12 γ′ LHSR alloy.](https://faculty.eng.ufl.edu/miller-mse/wp-content/uploads/sites/236/2024/08/13_modified-150x150.png)